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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • Yeah…

    Life’s fulfillment is in many ways measured in the quality of your relationships. Frankly, if you want to make meaningful relationships, you need to be the kind of fellow you or a regular person would want to be around.

    You can’t really be a different person and you shouldn’t try. Instead you need to be the best version of yourself you can be. The one who listens well, or does nice things for others without expecting a reward. You have some positive instincts in there somewhere, but if you indulge selfishness, it will drowned out any of the positive aspects immediately.

    Don’t do this attention seeking bs. If you want help, get help. The world is full of others seeking connections and you’ll break the hearts of family if you take the way way out. Maybe that’s what you want? Have an impact just by inflicting harm? I hope not, that’s what bad people do.

    Get into bird watching or any other hobby. There’s tons of poor, interesting, people with deeply filling lives out there. You’re not uniquely suffering I’m afraid. Just pittying yourself.

  • I’m so tired of these woke CEOs and their snowflake whining over misgendering their companies. There’s the name that a company is assigned at birth, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to change the way I’ve always called them (for my whole life and ALL of god-fearing Christian history) because some liberal snowflake CEO one-day wakes up and simply declares, “twitter is now X” ffs.

    The facts of the birth incorporation certificate, DON’T CARE ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS little pissant mUsK… GET OVER IT!

    /s since satire is dead.