Nobody’s stopping you!
Canadian, sysadmin, trans rights are human rights, puncha-the-nazis, cats are pretty great, GNU Terry Pratchett.
Nobody’s stopping you!
It can but rarely; mostly it’s a kidney thing.
They last forever. Bottle like that lasts us a couple years
I don’t think that is necessarily out of the running yet. OS development is expensive and low profit. Commodification may be inevitable. Control of the shell and GUI, where they can push advertisements and shovelware and telemetry on you, that is profitable.
So in 20 years, 50? I predict proprietary OSes will die out eventually, balance of probability.
They also tend to have linux support. Where the AAA companies want to eat the entire mammoth and scorn the scraps, small companies can thrive off of small prey and the offal. :)
True, though it might be a temporary advantage to create an acute crisis at a key time. Something to keep in the back pocket maybe. NCD stuff.
Genuinely, though, I wonder how centralized their vodka industry is. A few bombs could cause a fairly major crisis if as many people are alcoholic as rumoured.
I’m sure he’ll be happy with the Sudetenland!
That was my theory too - the Gems are a von Neumann probe, created by a possibly-gone species.
She did the Goblins webcomic animated trailer allng with Phil Lamarr! Super stoked for that.
Space Engineers scrapyard scenario. So… Satreus has oxygen, so as long as I can scavenge a power source to power my suit recyclers, there’s not a lot that’ll be a problem. Wander around collecting stuff. Make a comfy habitat.
49 Celsius to save anyone the conversion
Bingo: “I’m stuck in the raaailing!”
Ahmad earl grey. We buy the loose tea, about ten 500g boxes per year. Also use it for kombucha.
That could end up whiplashing as the administration passes between US factions, no?
They said no IT.
I’ve been using rspamd for a while. It may be extensible to do token based classification like you want but it may take some work.
Sure, but that’s a backhoe used on a shovel problem.
Austria, you listening? Time to get the team back together, I think.