While funny… I think you underestimate how big the battery in a Tesla is and also how little power the computer would pull.
THAT said… I wonder if there is a drive somewhere that could be filled doing that?
While funny… I think you underestimate how big the battery in a Tesla is and also how little power the computer would pull.
THAT said… I wonder if there is a drive somewhere that could be filled doing that?
Oh yeah, he isn’t weird… but what about that sofasexual?
Weird traitors
What a bunch of fucking entitled weirdos
Google does a lot of standards breaking things.
Like allowing a link on Google Apps Marketplace to open a new window (like popup) with POST instead of GET. (This pretty much ensures that buying an app will fail for browsers that follow the spec)
Working to love the games… but all of N64!! Who has three arms?!
All kidding aside this year I’ve made an effort with N64 and am finding the gems and that a lot of games are just nicer compared to PlayStation where file size limitations don’t burn the system
In emulation if you are using retroachievements rewinding / save stating gives you a ‘lesser’ achievement so the precedent is there from the groups that already invented such a thing