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Joined 19 days ago
Cake day: September 9th, 2024


  • Yes, Reagan once stopped Israel cold in a few minutes, with most of the time waiting to find people to talk.

    Israel is completely dependent on the USA in several important ways. An American president can ride roughshod over military plans using several threats and actions, these are not illegal under USA law.

    And, more subtlety, if the direct power play is considered unwarranted, the president can halt arms deliveries if the target nation is doing war crimes.

    But political will at this time is a misnomer, this is up to only on one man, Biden.

    Political will in congress will be muted no matter what the population feels. And this has nothing to do with individual Zionist leanings, although some are sincere in their support. But Israel has blackmailed many of our esteemed senators and congressmen due to their own mistakes. We, as a nation, really do not elect officials pure as the driven snow.

    This is something remarked on for decades, since the 1950s. It’s a fact their spy service has more representatives per square foot of capital area than all other countries; although for some reason it’s slipped out of fashion to discuss it in the last few years

  • I live near the bottom, and I see a lot of anti Palestinian stuff, mostly pretending the Palestinians do not exist, with a random anti-Semitic accusation thrown it.

    And it’s not just the democrats, I see this in many western nations. It’s a stain on many parties who speak many languages.

    If the killings stopped today , this would be only a black mark against those involved. Something to get angry about by many. Accusing fingers could be pointed. Perhaps even reevaluation by some.

    But we are only a quarter through the genocide. This will last months or years more. Many will be killed in the future. So this is an active crime scene. Those that will have fingers pointed at later are still doing harm now, and will do harm in the future.

    Not just the high level politicians, but in all levels of each country. There is collective guilt , and that is not ended either