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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2024

  • My experience is with iPhone (yeah yeah boo Apple).

    Most of how I learned was just digging through Apple’s documentation, focusing on one goal at a time. How do I draw stuff to the screen? How do I handle touch inputs? How do I use the built in UI elements? How do I play sounds? How do I get GPS data? Things like that. I’d usually have an idea of a specific mini-project that would make use of a specific new tool.

    Note that I already had some programming experience (although it wasn’t much) before I started teaching myself this way.

    Here’s Apple’s website: https://developer.apple.com/develop/

    Just start by downloading XCode and playing with one of their sample projects. SpriteKit is particularly easy to get started with and there’s a sample project for it. (I’m assuming you want to make something like a game. If you want to make more of a utility app, look up SwiftUI).

    If you aren’t an iPhone user “Apple fanboy”, you can try this: https://developer.android.com/courses

    Also many game engines (e.g. Godot, Unreal, Unity) have support for both iOS and Android.

  • Based on the small town where I grew up:

    • convenience store: 2km
    • nearest chain/big supermarket: 5km
    • bus stop: what bus?
    • park: 10km (but there are hiking trails within 1km)
    • train (metro) station: 5km
    • library: 5km
    • long distance train station: 20km
    • my dad’s daily commute when I was growing up: 140km (that’s 140km each way, 5 days a week. 1200km of commuting each week. He did this with a combination of car, bike, and train. It took him about 3 hours each way.)

    Note that a lot of the roads don’t have sidewalks so even if you want to walk it can be kinda dangerous depending on time of day.

    Based on cities I’ve lived in:

    • convenience store: 300m
    • chain supermarket: 800m
    • bus stop: 500m
    • train (metro) station: 1km
    • park: 1.5km
    • library: 1.5km
    • big supermarket: 2.5km
    • long-distance train station: 2.7km
    • my current commute: 3km

    The cities tend to be a lot more walkable, but you still need to take the car or train to get to things like by the bigger (and cheaper) supermarket and other stores. The train is slow and unreliable (sometimes it’s faster to walk than take the train) so cars are much more popular.

  • There’s only one explanation for this staggering difference in maternal mortality

    As much as I want to see data that demonstrates this, there is a very obvious other explanation for a staggering increase in maternal mortality in the years 2020 and 2021. And the mortality rate went down in 2022.

    Keep following the data but also stay wary of clickbait.

    They’ve made the correlation to race very clear though. But to show the effect of abortion bans, they need to compare between states with bans and states without bans.

    • AI Code suggestions will guide you to making less secure code, not to mention often being lower quality in other ways.
    • AI code is designed to look like it fits, not be correct. Sometimes it is correct. Sometimes it’s close but has small errors. Sometimes it looks right but is significantly wrong. Personally I’ve never gotten ChatGPT to write code without significant errors for more than trivially small test cases.
    • You aren’t learning as much when you have ChatGPT do it for you, and what you do learn is “this is what chat gpt did and it worked last time” and not “this is what the problem is and last time this is the solution I came up with and this is why that worked”. In the second case you are far better equipped to tackle future problems, which won’t be exactly the same.

    All that being said, I do think there is a place for chat GPT in simple queries like asking about syntax for a language you don’t know. But take every answer it gives you with a grain of salt. And if you can find documentation I’d trust that a lot more.

  • It’s not that simple. It’s not just a “this is or isn’t AI” boolean in the metadata. Hash the image, then sign the hash with digital signature key. The signature will be invalid if the image has been tampered with, and you can’t make a new signature without the signing key.

    Once the image is signed, you can’t tamper with it and get away with it.

    The vulnerability is, how do you ensure an image isn’t faked before it gets to the signature part? On some level, I think this is a fundamentally unsolvable problem. But there may be ways to make it practically impossible to fake, at least for the average user without highly advanced resources.