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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023

  • Being “ready” means nothing, it is just a thought in your head. Praxis requires that you act. You aren’t ready for an uprising if you aren’t actually organizing towards one yourself. And I have yet to meet a successful revolutionary organizer that tries to sheepdog for literally genocidal Democrats.

    I haven’t advocated for “doing nothing”, I have advocated against supporting genocide from both a moralizing and electorally strategic angle. I choose these angles because it is the language most people will understand and because the propaganda that I oppose in the process teaches people to give up leverage and cheerlead, which is literally disempowering.

    If people want recommendations on something positive to do, I would recommend joining the Uncommitted Movement if you prefer electoralism. If you are interested in politics that also extends beyond electoralism, I would be happy to provide advice on any local groups and reading materials.

  • They will not exist so long as you vote for “lesser evil” genociders. Why would there be? You still vote for them! They don’t need to listen to you at all and will gladly continue the project that is in their overall material interest in supporting Israel. You show up in their databases as, “Likely Democratic voter” and so they send some volunteers to try to get you to vote and they ask you for money. That is how you are thought of, and I mean this literally. That is how they curate and use their information. The rest is PR for how to ensure you don’t take these looney anti-genociders too seriously.

    There is no “push from there” without leverage. If they don’t do what you want, what are you going to do? With what power? If you mske a threat, why is it credible? We are kept docile and ineffective through electoral illogic that serves the interests of the existing political class and cannot imagine gaining or wielding power in any practical way.

    1. Are you sure you want a mini PC? You will need a display. If you carry a display around with you it’s just as awkward as a laptop. If you don’t carry a display around you won’t be able to use your computer on the go. You will also have to plug into walls or buy a battery pack that outputs the tight voltage.

    2. Supply chains for computers are opaque. You’d need to go inspect the factory yourself, basically. An alternative is to buy used, which slightly distances you from the consumption.

    Personally I’d say to look into a used thinkpad. If you definitely want a mini PC, look into a used 1 liter business PC like the ThinkCentre M series. The slightly older models can be purchased on eBay for around $130.

  • This is a whole lot of conspiracy bs with no sources provided.

    It’s not a conspiracy, it’s out in the open. I don’t know what claims you would want sources for. Feel free to ask.

    But it includes the usual keywords “the system”, “design”, and “ruling class” so you can get your upvotes from like-minded fellows in your bubble.

    You might notice that this is a public community on a non-socialist instance. So, the opposite of what you are saying. Personally, I expected a mix of responses.

    Have you considered that politics and economics is a little bit more complicated and a lot of gears make the machine?

    Complexity vs. simplicity means nothing in this topic. What matters is identifying dominant powers and the mechanisms by which they function. Many of those mechanisms are somewhat complex, though not that complex that anyone can’t read about them and understand them if they actually want to.

    Have you read any socialist theory?

    But “the elite pulling the strings” is much easier to understand and you conveniently get an enemy.

    Class conflict is actually something that emerges from base social interactions that constitute the primary economic system: how and why we work. The dominant class does have more realized power, by definition, but it is still subordinate to the mechanisms of the economic system itself.

    For example, you cannot simply choose to be a nice business owner that pays everyone as much as they deserve. You will, eventually, get outcompeted by the business owners that will keep pay lower and profits higher. While small businesses are still commonly owned by petty tyrants, their loss to big box stores is an example of how a larger mass of profits can be leveraged to destroy the competition (initial low prices), then using monopoly status to earn even more profit by cutting wages and increasing prices.

    The political class is just the functionaries of the state that serves the dominant class’s interests. You can call them elite because they personally get a bigger piece of the pie and have power on paper, but they are several rings lower on the hierarchy.

  • Learning media criticism, history, political economy, and how past groups have organized takes a decent amount of time. Namely, socialist theory. So does unlearning the ideological falsehoods that cloud our ability to think and investigate. And so does recognizing what builds power, what actions are effective, what cooption looks like and how to counter it, etc. So I don’t recommend just doing one thing, but instead working from where you are to be closer to a stronger consciousness. I suppose the closest thing to a single recommendation I can give is humility and curiosity around all of the aforementioned topics and to give people grace IRL when you begin working with an organization.

    If you are interested in reading recommendations and info about your thoughts on politics I’d be happy to think of something you might appreciate. Or if you feel like you’re ready for action and are in the US I can recommend some orgs that are reasonably good to “start” with (many stay in them and that is also fine!).

  • Congress is an organ of the ruling class and always has been. When they (rarely) do something seemingly against ruling class interests, it is still a strategem to best keep the capitalism boat afloat (it tries to sink every 5-10 years).

    Sure, Congress is corrupt, but it always has been. The system is working more or less as designed. And if you want to oppose this design, the system is also designed to fight you to the death. And funneling all of your capacity into sheepdog voting is how your masters tell you you should oppose them. So if you want to oppose this system, you must become informed as to how it functions and join up with like-minded individuals to develop actually effective means of resistance.

  • Hamas were elected to power by winning a plurality of the votes, whereupon they formed a coalition government. Then they killed their coalition to make a single-party government.

    An absurd falsehood. Fatah refused to form a government with Hamas, but the idea that Hamas simply killed them I’d an absurd invention. A child’s fantasy.

    The lack of elections in Gaza since then is because Hamas and Fatah can’t agree on the terms and conditions of the next election, which had been scheduled and postponed multiple times prior to this war.

    As an occupied people this onus actually falls on the occupier, believe it or not.

    In my opinion, the main problem is that Hamas was afraid of losing seats to Fatah, because they were getting very unpopular before the war.

    Congratulations on having a wrong opinion.

    The fact is that elections are not actually blocked by Israel. Good to see that you spout bullshit in your first sentence without checking facts first, though. That tells me how seriously I should take the rest of your comment.

    Israel is an occupying power and culpable for all that occurs under their occupation. They are an illegitimate and racist government that has always dramatically meddled in these elections. Or are you unaware of what happened in East Jerusalem in 2006? Your narrative conventiently ommits any mention of this.

    International law does not give any government the right to resist occupation by any or “all necessary means.” That’s another little lie you slipped in. The territory of Palestine is a signatory to the Geneva Convention, which means that the laws of war apply.

    ‘UNGA Resolution 37/43 (1982) reaffirmed the “inalienable right” of the Palestinian people “and all peoples under foreign and colonial domination” to self-determination. It also reaffirmed the legitimacy of “the struggle of peoples for […] liberation from colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle.”’

    It is not difficult to find and establish the right for the Palestinian people to fofhyan armed struggle against all occupiers. This has been affirmed and reaffirmed many times. I mention this under the presumption that you or others care about “the rules” this being foundational to pretenses of legitimacy.

    Palestine was not a signatory to the Geneva convention, this is a ahistorical nonsense. The PLO unilaterally declared it in 2014, that’s a decade ago. When the Geneva Convention was drafted, Palestine was “legally” under British control and was not in a position to have such sovereignty.

    I am amused by your little attempts at jabs, though. They are revealing.

    But Hamas does not follow the laws of war… They target civilians instead of military installations, they engage in perfidy through the use of civilian clothes, which puts the actual civilian population of Gaza in great danger.

    No more than any other group.

    You’d feel better if you told the truth. There are strong truthful arguments against both Israel and Hamas. Because both are directly responsible for the genocide of Palestinians.

    Hamas is not responsible for the genocide of Palestinians. That falls on the greater occupying powers that forced displacement, disposession , and mass murder upon them, which is of course Western powers and their Zonist compatriots. You are carrying water for them by promulgating these falsehoods.

    I suggest you focus on the parties which are directly responsible, rather than moaning about the “complicity” of random foreigners in an attempt to disparage everyone who doesn’t buy into your terrorist whitewashing and disinformation campaign.

    I am focused on the parties directly responsible. Only you are under the delusion that a militarized resistance to occupation is somehow responsible for the apartheid regime imposed by another power, the indiscriminate civilian bombing campaigns carried out by that power, the full blockade of Gaza by that power, the storming of refugee camps by that power. It is a twisted and dishonest rationalization that blames the resistance to oppressio for the oppression itself, absolving the holders of the guns, the missiles, the planes, the invading forces, the village burners.

    I’m not going to feel guilty for ensuring that Hamas gets their fair share of the blame.

    I hadn’t asked you to feel guilty. But it seems you have an inkling that you support genocide and need a way to absolve yourself. You won’t find that absolution from myself. Perhaps you will find it in a truck marked for aid for Palestinian refugees that is actually full of IOF soldiers ready to help kill 200 refugees in exchange for 4 Israelis. Perhaps you will find absolution in the propaganda campaigns to demonize some of those 4 Israelis who say their experience during capture amounted to having to clean and cook and receive birthday cakes. How dare they humanize Palestinians. Somewhere in that mess of thought, you might find the train of thought that resolves the inconsistencies you are clearly concerned about, though making the wrong choice at every turn.

    Personally, I have not focused on your absolution. That is something you have raised. I hope that you find it honestly and with a prioritization of humanity and truth, which stands in contrast to the lazy read or propaganda you have offered.

  • Hamas are the ruling party of Gaza, a region occupied by Israelis and not permitted elections for over a decade. By international law, they have every right to resist occupation by all necessary means. I have plenty of criticisms of Hamas, but they are not the primary oppressor in Gaza. That is, obviously, reserved for the occupiers that prevent Palestinians from having food and clean water. From having the right of return. For being permanent refugees.

    If Palestine falls, the people who supported their disposession will hold land acknowledgements for them. They refuse to oppose actual genocidal and apartheid regimes. They will only feel guilty after the systems they support have finished the deed. This is the outcome produced by comlicity in oppression and disposession.

    You will feel better if you reject these horrors.