Happy cake day also I’ve stopped counting the amount of times he’s done this.
This was taken from the top of a hill. I would sometimes run by this place on my jog because I liked the view. If you want I can find it on google maps street view.
Edit: Found it, it’s a bit over grown in this image: street view
Sorry I replied to the wrong comment, sorry.
The face I made when I read that title and it was not good.
Says the country currently striking into another sovereign county’s borders. Talk sh*t get hit.
Lame, now Etsy is just going to be a wish or temu resalers hawking cheaply made goods, crack down on that instead Etsy.
Ok here is my tin foil hat conspiracy that involves the reason for the Iraq war and Deep Water Horizon. Ok so America went to Iraq on behalf of oil interests, ranging from opec to US oil companies. Ok here we go, so Iraq was flooding then global markets with cheap black market oil to India, China and France. This caused gasoline prices to be lower across the globe as there was always oil to go around introducing an artificial surplus. After the start of war the surplus started disappear and global oil markets stabilized from no longer having a surplus countries and companies had to now buy oil from manufacturers raising the price as there’s a cap on how much oil can actually be produced. This of course meant gas prices in the US (and I assume abroad) would have to go up. When Deep Water Horizon happened the administration saw an opportunity to then raise gas prices to actually what it should be. After conversations moved on from Deep Water Horizon the US government just hope people wouldn’t notice that the price of gas was never going to come down again to what they were before Deep Water Horizon happened. And that is how deep water horizon is connected to the invasion of Iraq.
Well whose fault is that? Seriously, no one to blame but themselves, I hope they never recover tbh.
Orban is an autocrat but he’s no Putin, at best he’s is Putin’s lap dog, helps keep Putin’s jimmies warm.
Oh plz Putin, do the world a favor and “accidentally” fall out of a window.