I like watching his gaming stuff didnt know he thinks Palestinians are bellow him. There are plenty of other streamers to watch. See ya racist fuck!
I like watching his gaming stuff didnt know he thinks Palestinians are bellow him. There are plenty of other streamers to watch. See ya racist fuck!
Thats the problem most politicians dont represent the people anymore.
Fuck reddit RIP 2023 for me and its been great.
Politicians and corporations but not me.
This fucking guy starting WW3 with weapons they cant even afford. Why do we keep sending weapons to this lunatic.
We are currently sending weapons to Israel to kill civilian Muslims. The current administration is not any better!
Im already married with kids and my wife doesn’t go topless in public. Like I dont even need to tell her, she grew up with morals and all that good stuff missing in these 304!
My family meaning my wife and kid. How can I be an incel if some one can explain it to me. They say incel and dont know what it means lol
And you only need 1 copy to play with your friend/partner! I had a blast playing this with my son!