I came to say the same thing about Camellia sinensis, thinking “am I about to be more of a tea purist than is even encapsulated in this chart?” So I’m glad somebody else got there first lol
I like knitting, math, and uplifting the proletariat.
I came to say the same thing about Camellia sinensis, thinking “am I about to be more of a tea purist than is even encapsulated in this chart?” So I’m glad somebody else got there first lol
Not saying that the person in the post is correct in conflating those words, I don’t think that’s accurate at all.
However, it is disheartening to see so many ill-informed comments about fatness here… It’s way, way more complicated than just “calories in/calories out”. Even the extent to which it’s unhealthy is more complicated; obesity is linked to higher risk of heart disease, but also linked to higher probability of surviving strokes/etc. A lot of the problem stems from the fact that BMI is a nearly useless metric.