Departing Scene in my ass
Departing Scene in my ass
I think most humans have a certain desire to gossip, probably a side effect of us being social animals. I can imagine that gossiping can be somewhat beneficial if you live in a tribe or small town.
With our way of life shifting to large cities in which you hardly know your neighbour, and digitalization making sure we regularly see these celebrities, I can see how that might trick our brains into caring about their everyday lives.
I like to look at who owns a news source and which country it is operating in to get an idea how reliable it might be.
It is also worth looking at the rethoric: do the headlines seem clickbaity? Do the articles cover more than one side to a story?
I also look at the kinds of stories a news source covers, and whether it seems like they push some sort of agenda from the things they choose to report on.
But yeah, I have come to find a bunch of sources I trust, and that I go to for news.