I hate black widows. What are your solutions? They’re everywhere.

  • lgmjon64@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Close all windows and doors, set off the required amount of foggers and wait the recommended amount of time. Repeat again in a few weeks if needed. Most foggers/bug bombs work on most spiders and many are persistent over some time after application.

  • lemmefixdat4u@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Use bug bomb(s) first to kill the existing spiders. Then apply permethrin diluted with water to a 0.5% solution, spraying at all entry paths to the garage, edges, and dark areas.

    The idea is to not just prevent spiders from returning. It’s also to deprive them of a reason to return by removing their food supply. Permethrin is a wide-spectrum insecticide and repellant. It has very low toxicity to humans, most mammals, and birds. Not good around cats or fish. It has good persistence (6-8 weeks).

  • norimee@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    RAID Spray

    I have no experience with black widows, but when I lived in rural Cambodia with its huge jumping spiders (they also have their egg sack hanging on their belly, so you really don’t want to squash them) RAID seriously was my best friend and life saver.

  • BOMBS@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    If it were me, I would call an exterminator. Anything under $200 would be totally worth not having to deal with it and knowing that they’ll take care of it better than I could.

    Spiders in general is one thing, but a ton of black widows is something I wouldn’t mess with. Those spiders could make you quite sick if not ending up in the hospital. Shieeeet. If you’re of a vulnerable population like elderly, young, or already sick, they could kill you.

  • jiberish@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I’ve lived in a house that has a Black Widow problem for 14 years. I had severe arachnophobia when I moved here. Unfortunately, I don’t use poisons in my house, so my only option was to kill them by hand. The first several years, I would do regular patrols of my garage and yard at night to squish them. Night is the best time to kill them because they will usually sit in the middle of their nests. If they are not in the nest, I can usually find a bug to throw in the web that draws them out quickly. I had a favorite tool for the job, but anything screwdriver-ish will work. I know all their favorite spots, so it doesn’t take long to do a sweep. I also destroy the egg sacks.

    I realize that without covering my house with poison, I will never be rid of them. More than anything, I just try to keep my floors and yard tidy with less spots for them to call home. Luckily, I have never seen one in the house other than a few juveniles. I think there is no food in the house for them, so the small ones that get in the house end up starving.

    Most people go with poisons, so I thought I would pop in with my weirdness. Don’t worry about it too much. But also take precautions like not leaving your shoes where they could get in. And inspect boxes that have been in the garage before bringing into the house.

  • HelixDab2@lemm.ee
    4 months ago

    Permethrin. You should be able to get it at a Tractor Supply or Quality Farm & Fleet. Dilute it according to directions, or to about 10% overall concentration, put it in a sprayer, spray all around your garage. Follow all safety precautions, and wear googles and a respirator just to be safe. DO NOT allow any cats to come in contact with it until it fully dries; permethrin is very toxic to cats, but it should be fine once it’s dry.

    It will kill arthropods (spiders and insects), and acts as a fairly long-lasting repellent to prevent future infestations.

    As someone else said, if you have a spider “problem”, your real problem is that you have a lot of other insects that are acting as a food source for the spiders. Figure out what the other insect infestation is, fix taht, and you should fix your spider problem.

    EDIT: black widow spiders aren’t actually particularly dangerous to people. Most bites resolve themselves without any medical attention, and the very, very few fatalities are usually very young children, very old people, or people that are already very ill.

    • Xanis@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Yeah okay though how do I get it to do this exact thing but like from 25ft away??

      (this is good advice, thank you)

      • HelixDab2@lemm.ee
        4 months ago

        Well. You don’t. OTOH, you can pre-treat clothing with a 5% permethrin solution, and that will keep arthropods away from you. You can safely treat pants, shirts, jackets, and socks, but should not treat underwear, gloves, hats, or balaclavas. Let it dry completely before wearing though.

    • slazer2au@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Yes it does. Read the can to see what the spray effects. If it says spiders you are good. But as others have said kill the food source of the spiders and you will have solved the actual problem.