I get what you’re trying to say but Stephen Farrea is a member of NSC-131, an actual honest-to-goodness neo -Nazi street gang. Like sig-heiling, swastikas, sonnenrads, the whole nine yards.
Now these jokers get plenty of support and encouragement from the local Republicans and that’s a huge issue but it’s important to make it clear that when we call this guy a neo-Nazi we mean that literally.
I get what you’re trying to say but Stephen Farrea is a member of NSC-131, an actual honest-to-goodness neo -Nazi street gang. Like sig-heiling, swastikas, sonnenrads, the whole nine yards.
Now these jokers get plenty of support and encouragement from the local Republicans and that’s a huge issue but it’s important to make it clear that when we call this guy a neo-Nazi we mean that literally.