How much money would you guys say you spent/amps visited before you found your atf or just a mt that did all the things you wanted?

    3 months ago

    I only go once, or at most twice, a month. That’s quite an amount of money. And my recent turn to AAMP makes the amount of money spent increase each time, making me reducing the frequency.

    I did find an ATF, but she is out of town, on the other side of the country. I am still staying in touch with her after 9 months, but it is just ridiculous to get on a plane just to meet her. Once I believed I found an ATF in town 5 months ago. I do like her, but I have not met her since then as I rarely go to her area… Or more importantly, she is good, but not to a point that I want to make myself inconvenient just to meet her.

    So… I don’t know how much more I would spend before I settle down on an ATF that is accessible to me.